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  施建军,男,1955年10月生,汉族,安徽无为人,研究生学历,博士学位,教授,博士生导师,1984年3月加 入中国共产党,1975年3月参加工作,现任对外经济贸易大学校党委常委、校长。




University of International Business and Economics


  Shi JianJun, male, Han nationality, is a native of Anhui Province. He was born in October, 1955 and joined the CPC in March 1984. He started his professional career in March 1975. He holds postgraduate diploma and PhD degree. He is now the professor and PhD supervisor of University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and is the president and the member of standing committee of Chinese communist party of UIBE.

  President Shi got his bachelor degree in Anhui Finance & Trade College, major in statistics at the department of planning statistics on July 1982. From September 1982 to December 1984, he studied in the department of planning statistics in the Xiamen University and got his master degree of statistics.
Become a lecturer of the department of economics of Nanjing University from the end of December 1984, he became the vice director of the department of Management of Nanjing University in November 1986 (meanwhile: he was the visiting scholars of Leeds University in UK from September 1988 to February 1989), became director of the department of Management in International Business School of Nanjing University in September 1992. He was titled Professor of Nanjing University in October 1992. He became the director of the department of enterprise management and the President Financial Assistant of Nanjing University. He became the director of department of Management and the director of International Accounting in international business school of Nanjing University in March 1993 (meanwhile: he was the visiting scholar of the university of Kansas, U.S., from January 1996 to August 1996). He was the Chief Accountant (Vice-colonel) of Nanjing university in April 1996 and became PhD supervisor in December 1996. He held the position of vice President of Nanjing University in July 1997 and became the director of the development committee in December 1998 (meanwhile, he studied in the fourth young and middle-aged cadre workshop in National Institute of Administrative from October 2003 to November 2003). After got his Ph.D of economics at Xiamen university in June 2001, he became the member of standing committee of Chinese communist party, the vice president and the Director of the Development Committee of Nanjing University in June 2004. And in April 2005 he was the member of standing committee of Chinese communist party, the executive vice president and the director of the development committee. He got the title of Professor of Level 2 of Nanjing university in 2007. He is now the current member of standing committee of Chinese communist party and the president of University of International Business and Economics from May 2009.

  President Shi used to be the vice president of the National Statistical Society of China, Vice President of Accounting Society of China Education, Vice Chairman of the Association of Statistics and Management Science Research of Jiangsu province, Chairman of Economics and Management science association of Jiangsu province. He currently holds the position of Vice President of Chinese Enterprise Management Research Association. He is the Vice president of the higher education finance branch of the Association of China higher Education and the President of fund settlement branch of Accounting Society of China. He serves as the Vice president of China Science and Technology Index Research Association.

  President Shi has published more than 200 academic papers on various subjects such as supply chain management, regional R&D activities and economic development, science and technology, and statistics, the enterprise and the college financial in the top journals in China such as "Management World ", "Statistics Research", "China higher education". He also has more than 20 publications listed as "Comprehensive Evaluation Research for Universities", "the Research on the Fund Operations and Risk Prevention for Higher Education ", and "Statistics" and so on. He completes more than 20 national or provincial education project named as “Comparative Financial Research of Project Financing for Research University” held by the Ministry of Education, “Research on the Financial Contribution of Tourism in Jiangsu Province " held by the Ministry of Finance, and the soft science project, “the Statistics Research for Monitoring Progress of Science and Technology in Jiangsu Province " held by Department of Science and technology of Jiangsu Province. He obtains more than 20 national and provisional awards in teaching and research. At present, he is the leader of the major project of National Social Science Fund named “Research on the National Innovation Driving Strategy in the 12th five-year plan ". He holds the leader of key projects of National Social Science Fund named “the Empirical Research the Innovation Assessment System for Service Outsourcing Enterprises in the Naitonal 12th five-year plan". And he leads the cooperation projects with Beijing government named "Annual Report of the Beijing’s Construction of the Innovative City".

  In the international Chinese communication, he actively participated in the “Business Chinese Lecture Tour”. He has been to the local universities and Confucius Institutes of Russia, South Korea, Greece, Brazil and other countries and explained the development of China, which receives high appraisal and enthusiastic responses.



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